What is math? This is one of those questions that seems trivial but when one actually thinks about it, the answer appears to be rather elusive. How can one describe something so vast? Well, I'm about to try. Math is all around us, even if we don't always notice it. We use math to find sequences and patterns, to establish theorems, to solve problems such as whether or not I have enough change to purchase an Iced Vanilla Coffee at Burger King --you know, the important stuff. Math is used for budgets, for construction in determining materials needed and resources used. Math is used to determine amount of anesthesia used on a patient undergoing surgery; an intricate process in which a small error could result in a fatality. So, to me, math is the foundation in which everything exists. It is a large part in the building blocks of life. What are the top 5 moments/discoveries in math? This question is a hard ...