Egyptian Mathematics (Blogpost 1)

I've decided to dedicate this blogpost to Egyptian mathematics. They intrigue me, and I'd like to know more about Egyptians' role in mathematics. Before I begin, I'd like to note that I learned all this information via this awesome webpage : So, what we know of Egyptian mathematics comes from examples written on papyri. The Ahmes (or known as Rhind) Papyrus is 18 feet long (yes, you read that right) and 13 inches wide. They had a good grasp on arithmetic and its applications. Egyptians were able to solve equivalency problems, addition, multiplication and division all by use of grouping numbers and binary multiples. For example, let's take 52 * 9. By using its doubles, we are able to easily compute this. 1 *52 = 52 2*52 = 104 4 * 52 = 208 8 *52 = 416 Then since 1+ 8 = 9, then 52 + 416 = 468 which is 52 * 9. I really enjoy doing it this way. I'm not so sure why. May...